"Oh," she said, looking a little confused.
"So who knows? Maybe I'll join you when I'm done."
She nodded, whipped out her key card and threw it in front of the scanner. As the machine beeped, I pulled my card out from my sweatshirt pocket, waited for the beep and followed behind her.
After going up to the desk, I filled out some paperwork, thinking about the events that led me here, my goals and aspirations... you know, all that standard fru fru shit you think about when trying something new.
I wish I had thought harder about the pain.

Mr. Melonich was a forty something guy with a beer gut and greased back hair full of Grecian Formula. He also always wore blue polyester trainer shorts -- the same kind you'll see trainers and coaches wearing on the sidelines at football games... any football games for you foreign fuckers, even soccer.
He was, for lack of a better term, both a hard ass and a crack pot. And I think he subjected us to the same torture as he received as a POW in Viet Nam. I don't know if he was actually in the war, but I can at least imagine him in a movie about that war. He's the guy that breaks from the pressure and leaps up screaming, firing his goddamn gun in every direction as he runs through the jungle, never to be seen again.

To start off every session of gym class, we had to do the same fucking thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. It was a warm up, he said. But I think this unimaginative asshole thought his brand of consistency didn't stink. Think again, you fuck nut wing job. Or is the phrase fuck wing nut job? Either way, he was plenty nuts.
When we entered into the gym for class, he would be waiting for us with his record player out, his itchy trigger finger on the needle just dying for us to take our places. We would stand in lines, a couple of feet from each other, and that familiar beat would ring through our ears and into our brain pans. We would wince as we started stepping.
"Right, two, three, four. Left, two, three, four," he chimed, watching us dance. It wasn't just some aerobic workout he made up just for the kids in his class. It wasn't just any Neil Diamond song.
He made us perform the Electric Slide to "Sweet Caroline." Every fucking day we had gym class.
I still can't listen to that song without thinking back to how I really wanted to break that stupid record over Mr. Melonich's head, shoving the shards into his skin and telling him to dance like a shit-throwing monkey. Yeah, I know that sounds over the top, but even as I write this my blood starts to bubble harkening back to "ye good olde days."

Then there was my football coach, Mr. Soukup. It sounds like "soup cup," without the P. Actually, I wouldn't mind peeing in his soup cup and watching him drink it down for all the pain I've suffered on his orders.
He would grab my face mask with two fingers and pull me close to his head just so I could watch it explode all over me. He barked his orders in a rough, gravelly voice not unlike that of a seasoned war general. "When I tell you to do sumthin, you DO it! Now get in that B gap, you son of a buck!"
"Son of a buck" was that guy's catch phrase. He might as well have said "flibberty jibbet" or "monkey moots." Everytime he got on a rampage though, the entire team was saying, "Mother fucking piss cock whore-ass butt-munching fruit-tard!"

Did I mention that I sucked at football too? I didn't suck as hard as, say, fucking basketball... but I still sucked.
One of Mr. Soukup's favorite things to do was nothing short of pure evil. The practice field was atop a steep hill just beyond the high school's parking lot. It was probably a forty foot climb to the top, at roughly a 40ยบ angle.
With all of our pads on in the heat of the August 2-a-days, he would have us crab walk up that entire stretch. A crab walk, for those that don't have a fucking clue as to the torture this could be, is when you "walk" using your hands and feet with your chest facing up toward the sky instead of the far more comfortable way with your chest toward the dirt.

Our arms gave out. Our brains melted. We spat up blood. We died. But no one bitched. If you bitched, you ran it twice more. I wasn't going to run it any more than I fucking had to. I'd see some of the other assholes I rode the bench with try to speak up only to be sent back down the hill as the rest of the players watched. Like failing the first time wasn't humiliating enough!
Other than that, though, my life has been pretty clear of people who offer me pain. Maybe a little too clear.
So, I made an appointment at my gym for a trainer.

Maybe I should have stopped eating all together, to concentrate on just drinking. I digress.
But I recently made a commitment, which I know others my age have made all the time. They continue to make the empty promises and new year's resolutions to get into shape... other than round, that is. But I had never made this commitment to myself before. It actually felt exactly like the time I quit smoking, that mental switch just clicked on and I knew I was ready.

So I made my appointment with Danny, the buff model superstar athlete quarterback asshole. But he seemed like a nice guy. He actually looked like he stepped off the set of a workout video. He was a little too tan, his teeth glowed a little too white, and he was packed full of knowledge, energy, and optimism.
So yeah. I hated him pretty much right away.
We chatted, and he told me everything I already knew about health clubs and routines.
"We don't do routines here," he said.
"You want to shock the system and be able to adjust and compensate for optimal performance, eh?" I said. He didn't hear me.

And that was twenty minutes of my life... listening to his infomercial on why personal trainers rocked serious monkey cock.
He led me along, me actually jumping three steps ahead of him in my mind. Yeah, yeah... let's get to the pricing already!
He didn't show me the pricing. Instead he decided to really, really hurt me. Badly. You don't know how painful it is to write today, actually. I never realized I used my triceps this much in order to push buttons.
He pulled me out of his little makeshift cubical and led me into the free weight section. I hadn't walked into the free weights on purpose since fucking high school. Of course, I looked the part too, especially in comparison to all the meat heads working out beside me.
I did the bench press, concentrating on the down motion instead of the up... after 10 reps, I did 10 pushups with my hands pushing on two medicine balls on the floor. My arms were already burning. Eight more reps on the bench press, 6 push ups, 5 more bench press.
My arms were fucking dead. We could have stopped there, but noooooooooooo.

My face contorted into shapes I didn't know it could make as I grunted and panted my way through each exercise, staring into the mirror as I tried to block out everyone around me. Sweat poured off my head, leaving the floor as if some pregnant woman's water burst where I stood.
"Now do two pushups."
What the FUCK do you mean by that???
My muscles felt like they had been put in a blender on puree for 10 minutes. They felt like they had been left in the Magic Bullet for a full 10 seconds. There was no fucking way...
I tried.
"One," he chimed.
My muscles burned so badly a small fire actually started. The sweat sheeting off my body quickly put it out.
I went down for the second pushup and my face almost hit the floor as I quickly rolled off the ball and lay back staring up at the ceiling. Bloody mother fucking douche bag asshole cock pushup!!!

"It's okay," he smiled, staring down into my sweat drenched face on the sweat drenched floor. "I'm supposed to do that." He was ecstatic. "Let's move over here!"
Fuck you, Danny! I could think of nothing else I wanted to say to him. You're a real piece of shit, Danny! You come off as this nice Louisiana boy with great posture and perfect fucking teeth, but deep down you're a sadistic prick with a deep hatred and severe intolerance to people that maybe have a few pounds to lose. Okay, 30 pounds. Fuck you! 35!!!
The wife decided to present herself a couple of times during my workout. She was doing cardio. I wanted to be doing cardio. I wanted new goddamn arms. I also wanted her to drive us back home.
I needed her to drive us back home.
After a good beating, Danny likes to go back to the paperwork and talk about his packages. Well, not his packages, but the club's packages. His whole plan was to disorient, then pounce. He's like a cat that plays with a mouse before ending its life. He's like that deep water fish with the stupid fucking lightbulb on its head from Finding Nemo.
We talked about options, and I put up a little resistance here. I know he's looking out for what's best for the club while still trying to help me out. I know he's got a bottom line and projections and spread sheets and graphs and things like that, even if he won't let the public see them.
I wouldn't let him out-savvy me!
"Then we'll see you Thursday for your full evaluation," he said after another five minutes of wearing me down.
"See you Thursday. Assuming I can still move."
You went the College Booze Diet too? I'm glad I wasn't the only one. Why buy food when you can buy beer?
ReplyDeleteBut anyway, My trainer is suppoused to be some chick named Bernadette, and she's a female body builder. So I imagine she's a giant German girl who will smite anyone who isn't working hard enough.
Hopefully my workout isn't going to be as intense as yours, because like you, I have no clue how to use a gym. What kind of training sessions did you sign up for anyway?
Dude.... some days I can't get off the booze diet!
ReplyDeleteWatch out for those chicks, man... they'll fool ya.
I signed up for one session a week... I'll be finding out more tonight when I go in for my full evaluation -- which of course will be completely off because I still can't move my fuckin' arms. I feel like such a tard.